Jeremy McNally

Consultant Rheumatologist

About Jeremy McNally

Dr Jeremy McNally is a Consultant Rheumatologist at the Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust in Reading. He qualified from Charing Cross Hospital, Imperial School of Medicine (CXWMS) in 1989 and trained in West London on the North West Thames rheumatology rotation where he spent time at Northwick Park, Charing Cross, St Mary’s, and the Hammersmith Hospital.

​He has a special interest in inflammatory rheumatic diseases and biologic therapies developed during a 3 year Rheumatology Fellowship at The Hospital for Special Surgery at Cornell University in New York, USA. He was asked to return to New York as visiting Professor to The Hospital for Special Surgery and Cornell University in 2005.

​Jeremy has been principal investigator in clinical trials of new treatments (biologics) for rheumatic diseases. He has presented research findings at national and international conferences. He has authored many scientific publications in peer-reviewed journals and written review articles and book chapters. In 2010 he appeared on the BBC TV evening News to discuss recent advances in arthritis treatment. He is Clinical lead for Osteoporosis and Biologic Therapies for West Berkshire.

​Jeremy is married to Allie, they have two teenage boys and live in Berkshire.